The past two weeks may be one of the nicest weather stretches that we’ll see all year. It’s been a bit cooler than normal, but there has been no shortage of sunshine and pleasant conditions. The pattern will finally break down in the middle of the week as a weakening upper-level low pressure system brings some showers Wednesday and Thursday. After a brief break on Friday, more rain is likely this weekend. There is the potential for some soaking showers Saturday PM through Sunday AM. The timing will be fine-tuned in the coming days.
Look for a shot of very cool weather behind that system early next week. The temperature may be about 10 degrees below normal Monday and/or Tuesday. Further down the road, the temperature should begin to creep back to normal mid-May levels, and we may actually see a nice warm-up between May 17-20. There will be a near normal amount of rain in the next couple of weeks. That will help to cut into a pretty significant rainfall deficit over the past two-plus months.