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Most of the country cool while the Northeast bakes

This July is likely to be among the hottest on record in Southern New England. It is a different story most of the rest of the United States. As is so often the case, when one part of the country is experiencing a weather extreme, another part is near the opposite end of the spectrum. So far, the extreme heat in July has been confined to the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Upper Midwest, and part of the West. It has been cooler than normal from the Plains to the Southeast.

July 16 was the eighth 90° day of the month (10th of the season) in the Providence area. It was also the first 90° day of the year in Charlotte, NC – setting a record for the latest point in the year for first 90° day.

Looking ahead, the temperature is likely to stay relatively cool in most of the Southeast while cooler weather also arrives in the Upper Midwest and Northeast. The hottest weather, relative to normal, is likely to be in the West. Check the graphics out for more.

Nationwide temperature slightly below normal last 7 days

July U.S. temperature averaging slightly above normal through July 16, 2013

GEFS forecast for cooler weather in Eastern U.S. July 22-27, 2013 –
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