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November 20 – Bitter Blast Ahead

The weak storm system that led to a gloomy day in Southern New England is drifting away this evening. It may end as a few snowflakes away from the coast. Wet ground could become slippery overnight as the temperature falls below freezing – especially inland. The ground will have a chance to dry in most spots before the temperature falls to the 20s to low 30s. 

Wednesday’s high temperature will be in the upper 30s to low 40s – cool for November, but nothing compared to what’s coming for Thanksgiving and Friday. Watch out for snow squalls if you’re travelling late Wednesday afternoon or evening. The squalls/flurries are part of an Arctic front that will bring the bitter cold by late Wednesday night. 

Brutal wind chills on Thanksgiving!!

Expect temps in the teens Thursday morning, and in the low 20s at best in the afternoon. Wind chills will be 10-15 degrees colder than the actual air temperature. There will be some ineffective sunshine. Thursday night looks frigid with lows in the single digits inland to teens at the coast. Friday will be sunny, but cold, with highs in the upper 20s to low 30s. It will be a lot less windy on Friday. 

Saturday starts out cold before turning milder in the afternoon. Lows in the 20s will give way to highs in the upper 40s to low 50s. It stays dry with increasing clouds during the day. Rain arrives Saturday night, and likely moves out by early Sunday. 0.5-1″ of rain is possible. Sunday looks decent, especially in the afternoon, with highs not far from 50. 

The pattern stays stormy in the early to middle part of next week. More rain is possible Monday, and there could be a third storm system in the midweek. Right now, the track favors rain more than snow – particularly with the Monday system. 

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