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February 13 – Icy week ahead

A very light, but icy weather event Saturday evening is setting the stage for more rough weather during the upcoming week. The system coming by Saturday night will bring very light sleet, snow and freezing rain to coastal New England. Most areas will not see more than a coating of snow/ice.

A break in the action is likely on Sunday through midday Monday before a storm system moving up the Appalachians brings a wintry mix of snow, sleet, freezing rain and rain. Light and spotty precipitation is possible Monday evening before steadier precipitation arrives late Monday night into Tuesday.

The storm reaches the Northeast Monday night

Right now, it looks like there could be a significant freezing rain/icing event inland. While there will likely be some freezing rain in coastal Southern New England near and south of the I-95 corridor, the odds favor the temperature getting above freezing for mainly rain. That system will move out on Tuesday afternoon with another break likely in the midweek.

The storm arriving late Thursday into Friday has an even better chance of being a wintry mess of snow/sleet and freezing rain in Southern New England. The way it looks now, it will bring upwards of an inch of precipitation. The storm track may be farther east, allowing for more cold air to be involved. That would mean a longer period of snow/sleet before freezing rain.

A messy storm arrives late Thursday

There is still a lot to sort out about both the storms heading for New England this week, but it’s safe to say that the weather will be leading newscasts most of the week. It’s not just New England that will see the stormy weather. Most areas east of the Rockies will get snow, ice or heavy rain from the storms.

Looking way down the road, the weather pattern may turn quieter at the end of the month, with temperatures snapping back into the 40s instead of consistently being stuck on the cold side.

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