UPDATE – Ron Wallace of Greene, RI has grown the largest pumpkin ever recorded! It also became the first one ton pumpkin. It weighed in at 2009 pounds at tonight’s Topsfield Fair All New England Giant Pumpkin Weigh-Off. Wallace’s pumpkin smashed the world record which was set less than 24 hours ago in Deerfield, NH.

Here is a WBZ-TV report on the pumpkin prior to the weigh off.
All who turned out for the Deerfield Fair in Deerfield, NH last night got a look at a great pumpkin. In fact, it was the greatest pumpkin of them all, setting a world record for the largest pumpkin ever grown according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
The pumpkin, grown by Steve Geddes, weighed in at 1843.5 pounds, breaking the old record of 1818.5 pounds set at the Prince Edward County Pumpkinfest in Wellington, Ontario, Canada on October 15, 2011

The giant pumpkin growing community in New England is strong, and, word is, this record may be broken twice in the next two weekends. Those in the know say that a potential record-breaker will be at the Topsfield Fair for Friday evening’s All New England Giant Pumkin Weigh-Off. If the pumpkin sets a new world record, it won’t be the first time it has happened at the Topsfield Fair. World record pumpkins were recorded at the fair in 2002 and 2007 – the latter weighing 1689 pounds was grown by Joe Jutras of North Scituate, RI.
The biggest pumpkin of them all this year is rumored to be heading to Frerich’s Farm in Warren, RI for the Southern New England Giant Pumpkin Grower’s Annual Weigh-Off on Saturday, October 6. There are even whispers that one of the pumpkins may top 2000 pounds, which is incredible since the world record 10 years ago was 1337.6 pounds.
Perfect Pumpkin Growing Weather in New England
One of the big reasons for the enormous pumpkins this year is the weather in New England. It was a warm summer without many cool nights. Pumpkins thrive when the overnight temperatures are mild. Also, the fact that there wasn’t an awful lot of rain, did not hamper the growing efforts because many of the top growers irrigate their plants. The big growers are more concerned about too much rain and dampness that can lead to rotted pumpkins or pumpkins that grow too quickly then split or crack.
In addition, there hasn’t been a killing frost throughout most of RI and Southeastern Massachusetts. Unseasonably cold weather can stunt or completely halt the growing season.
The Rhode Island grower who may set the world record twice in the next week had a similarly huge pumpkin growing last year, but Tropical Storm Irene damaged his pumpkin patch and potential prize-winning pumpkin. There hasn’t been as much severe weather in New England this year – another great sign for those who grow great pumpkins.
For more information on the giant pumpkin growing community visit http://www.bigpumpkins.com.