A lot of this is common sense, but nobody wants to forget about their pets when making last-minute storm preparations. The following comes directly from the ASPCA.
Get a Rescue Alert Sticker for your home. By posting a sticker similar to the one found in the ASPCA Pet Safety Pack in an easy-to-see location, rescue workers will be alerted that there are pets in your home. You should include the number and types of pets present, as well as your veterinarian’s contact information.
Choose a safe haven. First, decide which room in your home will be the safest spot to ride out the storm. Then, know in advance where you can take your family and pets in case of evacuation. Check with evacuation centers and area hotels to find a pet-friendly location.
In Rhode Island, pets are not allowed in public shelters. Individuals need to consider other options that include kennels or an animal shelter.
In Massachusetts, there are some pet-friendly shelters. Check this link for more information on where to find them: http://www.petfriendlytravel.com/?page=pet_shelters#MA
Some shelters in Connecticut also accept pets; for small pets like rats one should be choosing the best rat cages in advance. In New York and New Jersey, all evacuation centers are required to accept animals.
IDs, please! Make sure your pet is wearing collars and ID tags with up-to-date identification. This is the perfect time to have your pet micro-chipped if you have not already done so.
Stock up. Make sure you have plenty of food—for humans and pets!—water, medications, batteries, first aid kits and other emergency supplies on hand in case of a power outage.
Stay indoors. At the first sign of danger, bring your pets indoors and keep them with you.