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Long Range Forecast – January 21
Patriots out. Oil delivery today. Double bummer. The next week promises to freeze the soft New Englanders to the bone, while the hardened and hearty New Englanders will be reminiscing about how “every winter used to be like this from start to finish”, even though it’s not true. The biggest chill of the season, and possibly the biggest in several years, is underway in the Northeast. The first prolonged cold snap will last through at least Sunday. Here are some of the highlights of the forecast for the next two weeks:
- Temperature does not make it above 30° in many spots before Monday afternoon, at the earliest
- Single digit lows likely inland Wednesday morning, Thursday morning, and Sunday morning
- Below zero lows possible in some spots away from the coast Thursday morning and Sunday morning
- A snowstorm may be sandwiched between the two very cold days
- Pretty decent shot at a plowable snow Friday into Saturday, likeliest timeframe is Friday night
- Model trend has been to go farther south with the storm, and it will be interesting to see if that continues to the point where it just grazes SNE
- Cold relents by the middle of next week, but not expecting the temperature to soar into the 50s like it did earlier in January
- Very cold weather returns for another prolonged stay by the first few days of February
- I say I’m not growing a “cold weather” beard to keep my wife happy, but I really don’t like shaving after a week’s growth!