TV Station Snow Forecast Roundup
The mid-winter break from winter weather is just about over. After a week of very mild temperatures, a gradual transition to colder weather is likely in the next week. A nuisance storm will signify the end of the thaw in Southern New England. In general terms, it’s a minor-moderate event that may have an impact on the Wednesday morning commute – especially away from the coast. As it almost always seems, the tricky part is pinning down exactly where the rain/snow line will be. With this one it looks like it may not be far from the I-95 corridor – where so many people live and work. Here are the early forecasts from the Providence-New Bedford and Boston TV stations for the Tuesday night into Wednesday event.
Note: I was unable to retrieve a snow forecast from Fox-25 in Boston. The video on their site was unavailable, and I was not able to find a text forecast. Also, WLNE-TV in Providence did not have a snow graphic on their site or in the online video. The online forecast discussion reads “An inch of snow is possible in Providence”. All other graphics were retrieved at 730pm Monday.
With more than 24 hours still ahead before the first flakes are expected to arrive, and several computer model simulations still to be run, many of these maps are being shown as initial estimates, with the chance of some changes before tomorrow night.

More TV station forecasts on page 2