Long Range Forecast – March 4

Word is Punxsutawney Phil has left the country out of safety concerns. There are quite a few people who would probably make roadkill out of the little guy if they crossed paths. Personally, I feel for Phil. I once had a forecast go bad. Alright, maybe more than once. Anyway, we know it’s not an early-spring, but will it be a late-spring? It’s looking that way for the Northeastern United States. The overall weather pattern will not change drastically in the next two weeks. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) will stay negative which will help to prevent a warm-up in New England.
Of course, there is the Wed-Fri Nor’easter to contend with. After that passes, it will be a quiet weekend. There is the chance of some rain in the middle of next week. Following that system, there may be several days of dry, cool weather through St. Patrick’s Day.