Breaking Weather
Daily high temperature record broken in Boston

The temperature at Logan Airport in Boston, MA reached 99° at 1:19 pm on Friday, July 19, 2013 establishing a new record high for the date. The old record of 98° was set in 1982 and 1977. As of 1:30 pm, no other record high temperatures had been established at the four major climatology stations in Southern New England. Providence (TF Green) was the closest, with a temperature of 98°, just 2° shy of the record from 1982.
Boston may get the daily double as the record high minimum temperature is also in jeopardy. The low for the day is 79°. If the temperature does not fall below 78° before midnight, then a record will be broken or tied. The record high minimum for the date is 78° set in 1991.