Pro Update: First-look accumulation map
There will be a snow storm in Southern New England Thursday into Friday. We are expecting a moderate to major event for all of Southern New England, with the potential for a full-fledged blizzard in a worst-case scenario. It looks like Eastern MA will bear the brunt of the storm with the potential for the highest snow totals, coastal flooding, and the strongest winds. That’s not to say that it will not be a big storm for the rest of Southern New England. As you can see from our map, the entire area could get more than 10″ of snow based on our first projections.
Right now, the storm track looks far enough offshore for all snow in Southern New England. We have left the Cape and Islands in 6-12″ if the storm tracks a bit closer to the coast and there is some mixing. There is a decent chance that those areas will see the brunt of the storm along with the rest of Eastern MA.
Check out the video for more on our forecast.