Video Update: Snowy Tuesday evening commute

Here is the latest on the storm. The steadiest snow is likely in RI between 3pm-7pm, and in SE MA between 4pm-8pm. There may actually come a point where precipitation type is an issue for the immediate coast of RI, Buzzards Bay, and especially Cape Cod. It’s already above freezing on Block Island. For most, though, it will be snow. Side roads will be snow-covered and slick. We’re still favoring a 1-3″ snowfall for most of RI and SE MA, with up to 2″ on Cape Cod. NE MA, including Boston, may pick up 4-6″ of snow as the storm lasts longer there. The best chance of seeing 4″ in RI is in the southern half of the state.
Check out the video for more…from my kitchen.
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