Event Forecast: Newport Rhode Races

The annual Newport Rhode Races will be held on Sunday, October 12, in Newport, RI. The race weekend features a marathon, half-marathon, and 5k. The weather will be great for the runners on Sunday morning. Soggy weather on Saturday will be out of the picture and replaced by cool, dry, and breezy conditions.
It will be chilly at sunrise, but the temperature should warm into mid 50s by late in the morning. There will be plenty of sunshine, and a 10-15 mph northerly breeze.
See the forecast details below and visit www.uhcmarathon.com for more on these great races.
Sunday 7 AM
Clear skies
NNW 10 mph
Sunday 9 AM
Sunny and breezy
NNW 10-15 mph
Sunday 11 AM
Sunny and breezy
NNW 10-20 mph
Sunday 1 PM
Mostly sunny and breezy
NNW 10-15 mph